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Kath (Julia Barretto) starts receiving sweet, flirty anonymous texts and has a "Vince and Kath and James" is a Filipino romantic comedy film from Star Cinema.

Based on an online "textserye" series that went viral, this adaptation revolves around the lives of Vince and Kath who fell in love with each other through text  27 Mar 2019 Vince & Kath & James Free Movies | Vince & Kath & James Full Movies Free Movies Online | Vince & Kath & James Movies Free Download  Vince and Kath and James. 2.7K likes. Vince and Kath and James Vince and Kath and James Full Movie Vince and Kath Full Movie Movie Vince and Kath and 25 Nov 2016 Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia star in the upcoming movie adaptation of the popular textserye. (FULL LIST: 8 MMFF 2016 entries revealed) Vince & Kath & James is based on the "textserye" Vince and Kath by Jenny  6 Dec 2016 Vince and Kath and James” is a film by Theodore Boborol starring Joshua Garcia, Ronnie Alonte and Julia Barretto. It is the official entry of Star 

Vince and Kath and James. 2.7K likes. Vince and Kath and James Vince and Kath and James Full Movie Vince and Kath Full Movie Movie Vince and Kath and 25 Nov 2016 Julia Barretto and Joshua Garcia star in the upcoming movie adaptation of the popular textserye. (FULL LIST: 8 MMFF 2016 entries revealed) Vince & Kath & James is based on the "textserye" Vince and Kath by Jenny  6 Dec 2016 Vince and Kath and James” is a film by Theodore Boborol starring Joshua Garcia, Ronnie Alonte and Julia Barretto. It is the official entry of Star  Kath (Julia Barretto) starts receiving sweet, flirty anonymous texts and has a "Vince and Kath and James" is a Filipino romantic comedy film from Star Cinema. Kath (Julia Barretto) starts receiving sweet, flirty anonymous texts and has a "Vince and Kath and James" is a Filipino romantic comedy film from Star Cinema.

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Julia Barretto, Joshua Garcia, and Ronnie Alonte in Vince & Kath & James ( and Kath and James is Star Cinema's official entry to the 2016 Metro Manila Film 

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